Client testimonials
I grew in confidence every week.
"I felt I was stale. I had been in the same industry for over 20 years and all I could see was the finishing line i.e. retirement and just getting there. I felt there must be more than just money and wanted to find greater reward. I had the vision and plans for a significant professional change but I procrastinated. ...(READ MORE). Then the time came when I simply had enough of just talking about making a change. Nothing beats personal service so I decided to work with a coach. Anna is excellent. She cares. She listens hard and always asks the hard questions. I grew in confidence every week. I learned that I need to enjoy and be rewarded in different ways along the journey. I stopped just playing it safe. I started taking risks I would not normally take. As a result I became more fearless and much more confident in myself and understand that I can succeed on my own.
Global Director - now a New Business Owner, London
"I used to be very stressed by my demanding work and wanted to to be happier and more relaxed.This is when a friend at work recommended me to work with Anna....(READ MORE) Anna made me question myself, my past, my goals, my feelings and my reactions to situations which made me completely change the way I think and the way I see things today. I realised that with my talent, potential and skills I can achieve better results and that my dreams can come true once really believed and worked on. I'm not saying that change is an easy journey but Anna was there to guide me through. Anna has been very accommodating, very understanding, never judgmental and always very clear in everything. I realised that I could break the chain and that my situation doesn't have to be the way it is"
Director, London
Honestly, you cant go wrong working with this extraordinary human being.
" I was struggling with overeating. I used to eat a ridiculous amount of food during my spare time. I didn't know why I was doing it or how to help myself, except going for a run to help me curb my cravings. But as soon as I'd stop running - due to an injury or lack of motivation - the overeating would kick right back in. ...(READ MORE) . After working with Anna, I now see why I overate during certain periods of my life. Due to her awesome nature, I felt comfortable being completely open with her. We came to the route of the problem and found the reason why I was overeating in the first place. She never gave the impression that she was judging me. This helped greatly! I discovered strategies which helped end the overeating for good. I cannot recommend Anna enough."
Coach for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, London
So many people have noticed the small changes already and are telling me that I look more relaxed and positive these days.
"I was lost in myself and sort of switched off my personality. My main problem was that I switched off my emotions by over eating....(READ MORE) After working with Anna I have noticed that I listen to myself more and my emotions. Anna was very friendly and didn't have any judgment. She made me feel comfortable and I was able to open up. Today I’m more confidence to speak to people at events, control my panic thoughts and go and talk to people. Anna is a great coach and I’ve already recommended her to others".
UX Designer, Manchester
After every session I left the room loaded with motivation and hope.
"I was dragging my relationship down because of my lack of confidence and self-esteem. I was in a habit of blaming others and looking for issues elsewhere whilst avoiding looking at the real me.....(READ MORE) Booking myself in was a real step forward, a positive step. I would definitely recommend Anna to others! Anna helped me to take control over my own thoughts and made me realise that there is this normal, inner good person living inside of me. I would've never thought I can say how I really feel and someone would just nod and just accept the darkest side of me. I was very surprised how easy it was to communicate my issues to her, I felt as if she’d knew exactly what I was trying to say, her reply was always so spot on. Today I concentrate on how I am doing and how I can control the outcome of any situation. I care about me now. Without judgement. So I'd like to say a big THANK YOU."
Broadcast Software Manager, London
My coaching journey has been amazing, I am feeling happier and more confident.
"I was lost. My professional life was going in a direction that had no clear path. Metaphorically speaking I was tirelessly knocking at different doors that headed in different directions during the last seven years...(READ MORE) Then, few months later I finally found Anna and suddenly my outlook took a NEW direction. It has been an exercise of discovery with someone who has the experience to guide me through the process. I have felt amazed when I find I have had the answers in front of me all the time. But they have been somewhat blurred and distorted, a shadow was covering them. I needed that guidance to clear my mind, be able to see what those answers were and their relevance to my life and put together an action plan. I would definitely recommend hiring Anna as a coach; it is a life changing experience and a great opportunity to speed up in fulfilling your career aspirations and personal dreams"
Cost Engineer - Now a new Business Owner, London
I can honestly say that the investment in coaching is the best step an individual can make no matter what point they are at in their life.
"I felt I was living the same day compressed into weeks and years. The act of waking up without passion and direction felt like my theme tune. I felt I needed someone to take me onto the next level in the form of coach...(READ MORE) The coaching journey was both exhilarating and challenging. I noticed a change in my outlook and approach. Using my personal power I was able to attach my beliefs to certain behaviours and habits more easily, finding myself breaking negative patterns that I had acted out for so long. This has given me a renewed burst of life and I am now able to move through the mirage of fear and the filters of past experiences to remember what I really want from life, especially in relation to career choices. I now wake up with purpose and passion, looking forward to the day I create. Having the power to control my choices and reactions to situations has been life changing."
Client Advisor - now new Business Owner, London
Take that first step
to Free yourself from whatever is holding you back.
Want answers to anything?

Looking forward working with you and helping you towards the changes that you are after
Anna Jarviautio
Accredited Transformation Coach and Person-Centered Integrative Therapist
Founder of Mayfair Coaching Lounge